List of cvars

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Available cvars[edit | edit source]

This is a list of all the available cvars as of Update #4.1 Sep 15 2022 build

Cvar Default value Description Min Max Flags Notes
aa_adhesion_contributionpercentmax 0.0 Max Adhesion Contribution Percentage (Value must be in 0..1 range) 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_adhesion_innterradiusrolloffpercent 0.6 The percentage of the calculated radius to use as the inner radius for rolloff calculation 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_adhesion_optimalradius 30 Optimal Distance for adhesion to take an effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_adhesion_pitchspeedmax 15 Max Pitch Adhesion Speed 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_adhesion_radius 15 Radius used to apply adhesion amount 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_adhesion_yawspeedmax 25 Max Yaw Adhesion Speed 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_allowinterpolate 1 Interpolate the aim assist friction 0 1 0x11
aa_debugselector 0 Visualize aim assist selector (debugging) 0 1 0x81
aa_distance_expandradiusdistmax 1.0 Max fractional distance before expanding kicks in (smoothstep formula) 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_expandradiusdistmin 0.3 Min fractional distance before expanding kicks in (smoothstep formula) 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_expandradiusmultiplier 1.0 The expanded multiplier for target radius, friction radius and adhesive radius 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_max 128 Maximum Optimal Distance for aim assist effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_min 0 Minimum Optimal Distance for aim assist effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_rampdown 10 Distance for ramping down distance modifier 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_distance_rampup 1024 Distance for ramping up distance modifier 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_enable 1 Enables aim assist 0 1 0x811
aa_friction_innterradiusrolloffpct 0.1 The percentage of the calculated radius to use as the inner radius for rolloff calculation 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_friction_multipliermax 0.25 Maximum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1 and smaller than corresponding max value 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_friction_multipliermin 0.0 Minimum Friction Scalar - Value must be in 0..1 and smaller than corresponding max value 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_friction_optimalradius 75 Optimal Distance for Friction to take an effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_friction_radius 25 Friction Collision Sphere Radius 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_interpolaterate 0.6 The rate in which aim assist interpolates the friction 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_selection_maxdegrees 10 The Maximum angular separation from the aim axis 0.0 1.0 0x14
aa_selection_maxdistance 950 The Maximum Distance away for a target to be considered for adhesion, friction and target lock-to 0.0 1.0 0x14
bnet_acctType 0 BNet account type (internal use only) 0 4 0x12
bnet_anonbuid BNet anonymous account ID (internal use only) - - 0x18
bnet_doQuickAccountProcess 1 Internal use only 0 1 0x11
bnet_lastbuid BNet client BUID (internal use only) - - 0x18
bnet_platformId BNet platform ID (internal use only) - - 0x18
bnet_scEntitlementPlatfId Slayers Club platform ID (internal use only) - - 0x18
bnet_scEntitlementUnlocked 0 Slayers Club successfully unlocked - Internal use only 0 1 0x11
bnet_silentLog 0 Silence BNET debug log messages in console for user convenience 0 1 0x11
bnet_uuid BNet client UUID (internal use only) - - 0x18
bot_aim_debug 0 1 = Enable Debugging Of Bot Aiming 0 1 0x81
bot_aim_disabled 0 1 = Disable Bot Aiming 0 1 0x81
bot_aim_instant 0 1 = Bots Are Aimbots - For Testing 0 1 0x81
bot_attackHumansOnly 0 1 = Bots ONLY Attack Human Players 0 1 0x81
bot_axeAttack 0 1 = Bots ONLY Use Melee Weapons In Combat 0 1 0x81
bot_chat_disable 0 1 = Bots Aren't Allowed To Chat 0 1 0x1
bot_combatDisabled 0 1 = Bots Don't Go Into Combat Behaviors 0 1 0x81
bot_debugSystem 0 General = 1/Behavior Tree = 2/Game Mode Debug = 3/Move Goal Debug = 4/World State Debug = 5/Trace Manager Debug = 6 0 1 0x82
bot_drawNavNodes 0 1 = Bots Draw Nav Nodes In The World 0 1 0x81
bot_entityDebug 0 1 = Draw Debug Info About All Entities In The World 0 1 0x81
bot_entityRespawnFunc SUB_regen The Name Of The QuakeC Function That Handles Respawning Items - - 0x8
bot_followPlayer 0 1 = Bots Follow Around The Local Player 0 1 0x81
bot_game_debug 0 1 = Show Non-Bot Specific Game Mode Debugging Info 0 1 0x81 Added in Update #4
bot_input_disable 0 1 = Bots Can't Apply Any Inputs To The Game 0 1 0x81
bot_jump_disable 0 1 = Bots Can't Jump 0 1 0x81
bot_meleeDisabled 0 1 = Bots Don't Use Melee Combat Behaviors 0 1 0x81
bot_minClients -1 Set How Many Clients You Want In Want The Server. -1 = Disable. 0 = No Bots Allowed 0 1 0x2
bot_move_debug 0 1 = Debug Bot Movement 0 1 0x81
bot_move_disable 0 1 = Bots Can't Move 0 1 0x81
bot_navNodeGoal -1 >= 0 - Bots Will Move To This Nav Node In The World 0 1 0x82
bot_num_debug 0 Set To The Bot Number You Want To Debug 0 1 0x82
bot_numBots -1 Set How Many Bots You Want In Want The Server. 0 = Disable. > 0 = Number Of Bots To Spawn 0 1 0x2
bot_pathTest 0 1 = Debug Bot Path Behavior 0 1 0x81
bot_pause 0 1 = Pause Bot Thinking 0 1 0x81
bot_respawnTime 0 Default Respawn Time For Bots. -1 = Disable Respawn 0.0 1.0 0x84
bot_senses_disabled 0 1 = Disable Bot Senses 0 1 0x81
bot_showBots 0 1 = Show All Bots In The World. 2 = Show All Bots Based On Team Colors 0 1 0x82
bot_showPaths 0 1 = Bots Show The Path To Their Current Goal 0 1 0x81
bot_skill 2 Bot Skill Level. Valid Values 0( Training ) - 5( Nightmare ) 0 1 0x12
bot_timeDelta 0.0167 Time Delta ( In Seconds ) Between Bot Updates) 0.0 1.0 0x4
bot_trackPlayer 0 1 = Bots Always Track The Local Player 0 1 0x81
bot_weapons_disable 0 1 = Bots Don't Use Weapons 0 1 0x81
campaign 0 0 255 0x42
chase_active 0 0 1 0x881
chase_back 100 0.0 1.0 0x14
chase_right 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
chase_up 16 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_anglespeedkey 1.5 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_animlerping 1 If enabled, interpolates alias model animations 0 1 0x11
cl_backspeed 400 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_bob 0.02 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_bobcycle 0.6 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_bobup 0.5 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_changeweapononpickup 1 0 1 0x12
cl_color 17 0 1 0x812
cl_connectvoice 1 Connect to voice in multiplayer lobbies 0 1 0x11
cl_crossx 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_crossy 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_displayMessages 1 Displays in-game messages 0 1 0x11
cl_edgeAccelerationScalar 0.4 Percentage of max turn rate to add when edge acceleration is active (0.0 does nothing; 1.0 doubles turn speed) 0.0 1.0 0x814
cl_edgeAccelerationThreshold 0.9 Percentage of joystick deflection needed before edge acceleration kicks in 0.0 1.0 0x814
cl_engineFPS 60 Frames per second the renderer runs at 0 1920 0x12
cl_engineHZ 60 Frames per second to run the game logic at 10 60 0x202
cl_engineNoSleep 0 Don't sleep if the game is running too fast 0 1 0x11
cl_filterstuffcmd 1 Only allow certain cvars and commands to be set through stuffcmd to prevent servers from performing undesired actions 0 1 0x1
cl_forwardspeed 400 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_gyroSensitivityX 4.0 Gyroscope turning sensitivity 0.0 32.0 0x814
cl_gyroSensitivityY 3.5 Gyroscope look sensitivity 0.0 32.0 0x814
cl_hdhud_ammo_alignment 1 Sets screen alignment for ammo icon (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_ammo_num_x 132 X offset for ammo num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_ammo_num_y 34 Y offset for ammo num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_ammo_x 44 X offset for ammo icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_ammo_y 34 Y offset for ammo icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_ammonum_alignment 1 Sets screen alignment for ammo num (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armor_alignment -1 Sets screen alignment for armor icon (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armor_num_x 50 X offset for armor num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armor_num_y 58 Y offset for armor num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armor_x 20 X offset for armor icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armor_y 58 Y offset for armor icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_armornum_alignment -1 Sets screen alignment for armor num (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_face_alignment -1 Sets screen alignment for face icon (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_face_x 20 X offset for face icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_face_y 34 Y offset for face icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_flags_alignment 1 Sets screen alignment for flag icons (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12 Added in Update #4
cl_hdhud_flags_x 17 X offset for flag status (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12 Added in Update #4
cl_hdhud_flags_y 93 Y offset for flag status (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12 Added in Update #4
cl_hdhud_health_num_x 50 X offset for health num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_health_num_y 34 Y offset for health num (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_healthnum_alignment -1 Sets screen alignment for health num (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_key_alignment 1 Sets screen alignment for key icons (-1 = left, 0 = center, 1 = right) (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_key_x 36 X offset for key icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hdhud_key_y 52 Y offset for key icon (HD Hud) 0 1 0x12
cl_hud 1 0: no hud, 1: transparent hud, 2: standard hud, 3: standard hud with ammo 0 3 0x812
cl_interpolation 1 Enables interpolation (for high FPS and 144hz users) 0 1 0x11
cl_joyAccelerationSmoothing 20.0 Sets max turn acceleration 0.0 1.0 0x814
cl_joyAccelerationSpeed 15.0 Sets joystick acceleration speed 0.0 1.0 0x814
cl_joyApplyPitchAcceleration 1 Applies acceleration for gamepad up/down looking 0 1 0x811
cl_joyClampMinTurnLook 0.675 If enabled, then the minimum-most look axis relative to deadzone will be clamped, making it easier to turn left/right or look up/down in a straight line. Threshold controls aggressiveness 0.0 1.0 0x814
cl_joyConvertTurnToSquare 0 Convert view input from circle to square to prevent diag slowdown 0 1 0x811
cl_joyinvertlook 0 Invert joystick look 0 1 0x811
cl_joyLogarithmicAccelerationThreshold 2.0 Sets a threshold for the logarithmic turn curve style 1.0 4.0 0x814
cl_joyLogCurve 1 Apply a curve threshold while turning, 0 - none, 1 - logarithmic, 2 - exponential 0 2 0x812
cl_joylookspeed_x 0.575 Joystick Look speed (x-axis) 0.1 2.0 0x814
cl_joylookspeed_y 0.3 Joystick Look speed (y-axis) 0.1 2.0 0x814
cl_joymovesensitivity 4.0 Joystick Move sensitivity 0.0 8.0 0x814
cl_joysmoothing 1 Enables joystick look smoothing 0 1 0x11
cl_localplayers 1 Number of players for split screen (must be in co-op or deathmatch) 1 8 0x2
cl_lookspring 0 0 1 0x11
cl_lookstrafe 0 0 1 0x11
cl_maxlatetics 16 Maximum number of late gametics to run 1 60 0x12
cl_maxresendqueue 1 The number of messages the server will try to resend in a single frame 1 255 0x2
cl_mousesmooth 1 Set smooth mouse threshold 1 4 0x812
cl_movelerping 1 If enabled, interpolates move stepping for certain entities 0 1 0x11
cl_movespeedkey 2.0 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_name player - - 0x18
cl_nocsqc 1 CSQC is not currently supported. - - 0x8000
cl_nolerp 0 0 1 0x11
cl_pitchspeed 150 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_predict 1 Turn on prediction 0 1 0x11
cl_predict_debug 0 Show prediction debugging info. 0: Off, 1: Server Origin (Green) vs Furthest Attempted Prediction (Cyan), 2: Prediction Origin (White) vs Camera with nudge (Yellow) 0 1 0x2
cl_rollangle 2.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_rollspeed 200 0.0 1.0 0x14
cl_run 1 Enable always run 0 1 0x811
cl_saveScreenshotsAsJPEG 0 If enabled, screenshots will be saved out as JPEG instead of PNG 0 1 0x11
cl_saveScreenshotUserDirectory 1 If disabled, screenshots will save in the same directory as executable, otherwise will save to user save game folder 0 1 0x11
cl_sensitivity 5 0.1 10.0 0x14
cl_shownet 0 0 1 0x12
cl_sidespeed 350 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_skipCrosshair 0 1 = Skip Drawing Crosshair 0 1 0x11
cl_skipHud 0 1 = No HUD 0 1 0x81
cl_skipViewBob 1 1 = Skip View Bob 0 1 0x811
cl_swapjoysticks 0 Swaps joysticks for movement and turning 0 1 0x811
cl_updateCPUUsageFrequency 500 Number of times in milliseconds to query CPU utilization. Higher frequencies will cause the result to be less accurate 1 100000 0x12
cl_upspeed 200 0.0 1.0 0x4
cl_usegyros 1 Allow gyroscope input 0 1 0x811
cl_yawspeed 140 0.0 1.0 0x4
con_alwaysShowConsole 0 Overlays the console output to screen 0 1 0x11
con_fontsize 14 Sets size of console font (requires restart) 0 1 0x12
con_lockout 0 Locks user out of interacting with console 0 1 0x41
con_scrollamount 1 Sets the number of lines to scroll in console 0 1 0x12
con_showfps 0 Displays current FPS 0 1 0x11
con_statfontsize 12 Sets size of fonts for stat system (requires restart) 0 1 0x12
config_version 0 Configuration Version 0 1 0x12
coop 0 0 turns off Coop completely. 0 1 0x1
crosshair_blue 255 0 255 0x812
crosshair_green 255 0 255 0x812
crosshair_red 255 0 255 0x812
ctf 0 0 turns off CTF completely. 0 1 0x1 Added in Update #4
crosshairStyle + - - 0x818
d3d11_adapter -1 Force select an adapter 0 1 0x12
d3d11_compileShaders 0 If enabled, then compile direct x shaders at RHI initialization 0 1 0x11
d3d11_noAltEnter 1 Prevent DXGI from responding to an alt-enter sequence (requires restart) 0 1 0x11
deathmatch 0 Deathmatch style to use. 0 turns off Deathmatch completely. 0 255 0x2
dem_compress 1 Compress demo commands 0 1 0x11
dem_record 0 Record demos 0 1 0x11
developer 0 Developer mode 0 1 0x11
edgefriction 2 0.0 1.0 0x14
fraglimit 0 Number of frags to win the game. 0 1 0x402
g_debuglocalization 0 Wrap strings in angled brackets when loading strings from loc file, must be set at command line 0 1 0x8001
g_drawWalkPath 0 1 = Show Walk Path To Where Your Looking. 2 = Set Start/Goal By Shooting 0 1 0x82
g_language Language localization - - 0x18
g_removeAllAI 0 1 = Remove All AI In The Map 0 1 0x81
g_showClosestNavNode 0 Set To 1 To The Closest Nav Node From Your Position 0 1 0x81
g_showEnts 0 Set To 1 To Show In-Game Entities 0 1 0x81
g_showintromovie 1 Play intro movies on startup 0 1 0x11
g_showMonsters 0 Set To 1 To Show In-Game Monsters. 2 = Only Draw Alive Monsters 0 1 0x82
g_showRuler 0 Set To 1 To Show In-Game Ruler 0 1 0x81
g_showSpawnPoints 0 1 = Show Deathmatch Spawn Points. 2 = Show Coop Spawn Point. 3 = Show All Spawn Points 0 1 0x82
g_sys_language System language setting - - 0x18
g_vibration 1 Allow haptic vibrations 0 1 0x811
g_vibrationVolume 0.5f Haptic vibration intensity 0.0 1.0 0x814
gamecfg 0 - - 0x18
gamma 1 0.0 1.0 0x14
gl_cshiftpercent 100 0.0 1.0 0x14
horde 0 0 turns off Horde completely. 0 1 0x1
hostname UNNAMED - - 0x18
imgui_scale 0 > 0 = Override The Scale IMGUI Menus Use 0.0 1.0 0x4
in_joystick_laxisdeadzone 0.24 Sets dead zone threshold for left axis 0.05 0.5 0x814
in_joystick_lookaxis 3 Specifies the joystick axis for up/down 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_lookinvert 0 Inverts joystick up/down 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_raxisdeadzone 0.265 Sets dead zone threshold for right axis 0.05 0.5 0x814
in_joystick_strafeaxis 0 Specifies the joystick axis for left/right 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_strafeinvert 0 Inverts joystick left/right 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_xaxis 2 Specifies the joystick 'x' axis 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_xinvert 0 Inverts joystick 'x' axis 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_yaxis 1 Specifies the joystick 'y' axis 0 1 0x812
in_joystick_yinvert 1 Inverts joystick 'y' axis 0 1 0x812
in_nojoy 0 Disables joystick activation 0 1 0x11
in_profilejoybuttons 0 Display joystick button ID in console when pressed 0 1 0x1
in_skipplayerone 0 Prevents player one from being assigned a controller, controllers are passed to the next slot 0 1 0x11
jobs_concurrentThreads -1 Specifies number of concurrent threads to process jobs. if none specified then all jobs are executed immediately. (Requires restart) 0 1 0x12
jobs_enable 1 Enables tasks to be distributed into job threads for performance 0 1 0x11
kf_basepath Base file path to look for files - - 0x8
m_forward 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
m_pitch 0.022 0.0 1.0 0x14
m_side 0.8 0.0 1.0 0x14
m_yaw 0.022 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_edit 0 Set To 1 To Activate Nav Editor 0 1 0x81
nav_heuristic_xpos 0.84 The Starting X Postition For The Nav Heuristic Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_heuristic_ypos 0.2 The Starting Y Postition For The Nav Heuristic Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_legend_xpos 0.5 The Starting X Postition For The Nav Legend Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_legend_ypos 0.54 The Starting Y Postition For The Nav Legend Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_properties_xpos 0.001 The Starting X Postition For The Nav Properties Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
nav_properties_ypos 0.54 The Starting Y Postition For The Nav Properties Window. Valid Values = 0.0 - 1.0 0.0 1.0 0x14
navEdit_autoConnectNodes 1 1 = When Connecting A Source Node To A Target, Try To Automatically Connect The Target Back To The Source 0 1 0x11
navEdit_defaultNodeRadius 32 The Default Radius For Newly Placed Nav Nodes 0.0 1.0 0x14
navEdit_inWaterLookPointDist 128 Set Dist To Trace For Look Point When UnderWater 0.0 1.0 0x14
navEdit_nodeDrawDist 1024 The Distance The Editor Draws Nav Nodes 0.0 1.0 0x4
navEdit_onlyTraceAgainstWorld 0 Look Point Only Traces Against World Geometry 0 1 0x1
navEdit_playSounds 1 1 = Play Sounds In The Nav Editor 0 1 0x11
navEdit_postConnectToNodeAction 1 0 = Keep The Source Node Selected. 1 = Switch To The Target Node After Connection Is Complete 0 1 0x11
navEdit_removeGodModeOnExit 1 1 = Remove 'God Mode' When Exit Nav Editor 0 1 0x1
navEdit_removeNoclipOnExit 1 1 = Remove 'No Clip' When Exit Nav Editor 0 1 0x1
navEdit_removeNotargetOnExit 1 1 = Remove 'No Target' When Exit Nav Editor 0 1 0x1
navEdit_showLinkType 0 0 = Show All Links. 1 = Only Show Nodes With One Way Links. 2 = Only Show Nodes With Non-Walk Links. 3 = Only Show nodes With Selective Team Links. 0 3 0x2
navEdit_skipLookPointValidation 0 ADVANCED USERS ONLY: Skip Validation Of Look Point 0 1 0x1
navEdit_skipValidation 0 1 = Skip Editor Validation Check When Saving Nav Nodes 0 1 0x1
navEdit_updateSourceHistoryOnConnectionChange 1 1 = Update Source Node History Any Time You Connect/Disconnect It From Another Node 0 1 0x11
net_compress 1 Enables compression of packets 0 1 0x11
net_config_com_baud 57600 0 1 0x12
net_config_com_irq 4 0 1 0x12
net_config_com_modem 1 0 1 0x12
net_config_com_port 1016 0 1 0x12
net_config_modem_clear ATZ - - 0x18
net_config_modem_dialtype T - - 0x18
net_config_modem_hangup AT H - - 0x18
net_config_modem_init - - 0x18
net_crossplay 1 Enables the operation of crossplatform lobbies 0 1 0x11
net_cryptDynamic 0 0 1 0x41
net_cryptKeyserver - - 0x48
net_cryptKeyserverPort 443 - - 0x48
net_directconn 1 Enables direct connections 0 1 0x11
net_messagetimeout 20 0 1 0x2
net_queueController 0 Controls whether matchmaking queues in controller-only lobbies 0 1 0x11
net_speechtotext 0 Enables Speech To Text 0 1 0x11
net_synthtexttomic 0 Have local text synthesized to speech as the microphone 0 1 0x11
net_synthvoicetype The synth style to use for net_synthtexttomic - - 0x18
net_texttospeech 0 Enables Text To Speech 0 1 0x11
net_voip 1 Enables voice chat in multiplayer 0 1 0x11
net_voipmic 1 Enables the local microphone for voice chat 0 1 0x11
net_voipptt 1 Enables push to talk on the local mic 0 1 0x11
net_voipvolume 1.0 Sets the volume of incoming voice chat 0.0 1.0 0x14
noexit 0 0 1 0x401
nomonsters 0 0 1 0x11
p_skipEdictTouch 0 1 = Don't Update Touching Edicts 0 1 0x81
pausable 1 0 1 0x1
playername A player name to use if no social service is available - - 0x18
playfab_lobbyMaxPlayers 8 0 1 0x42
playfab_lobbyPrivate 0 0 1 0x41
playfab_lobbyTarget crossplay - - 0x48
pr_checkextension 1 Set to 1 to allow checkextension use in QC, setting to 0 may resolve compat issues with modern mods, but will disable advanced QC features. 0 1 0x1
r_ambientOcclusion 0 Enables ambient occlusion 0 1 0x11
r_antialiasing 0 Sets a antialiasing mode 0 1 0x12
r_aoblurprecision 250.0 Sets AO blur precision factor. Used to fix halo artifacts 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_aodepthbias 4.0 Sets AO depth bias 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_aofullres 0 Sets AO full resolution 0 1 0x11
r_aointensity 4.0 Sets AO intensity 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_aomaxradiusshrink 0.25 Sets AO max radius shrink 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_aominradius 2.0 Sets AO min radius 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_aoradius 8.0 Sets AO radius 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_bloom 0 Enables bloom 0 1 0x11
r_brightness 0.0 Applies overall display brightness 0.0 2.0 0x14
r_brushmodeldepthbias -0.000001 Sets a depth bias for brush models 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_brushmodelslopebias 0.5 Sets a slope bias for brush models 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_clear 0 Force Clear Screen Every Frame 0 1 0x1
r_clusterFrustumMaxZ 12000.0 Sets far z for cluster z-slice distribution 0.0 1.0 0x10004
r_clusterFrustumMinZ 10.0 Sets near z for cluster z-slice distribution 0.0 1.0 0x10004
r_computenormals 1 Compute vertex normals at runtime instead of using a pre-defined table 0 1 0x1
r_crtmode 1 Enables CRT emulation (Quake 64 only) 0 1 0x11
r_dof 1 Enables depth of field 0 1 0x11
r_dofBlurRange 0.0 Sets DOF blur range (debugging) 0.0 1.0 0x4
r_dofFocusDistance 0.0 Sets DOF focus distance (debugging) 0.0 1.0 0x4
r_dofFocusRange 0.0 Sets DOF focus range (debugging) 0.0 1.0 0x4
r_drawEntities 1 Draw Entities In The World 0 1 0x81
r_drawViewModel 1 Draw View Model 0 1 0x81
r_enablefog 1 Enables fog 0 1 0x11
r_fontHinting 0 Font hinting mode (Requires restart) (0 = normal, 1 = light, 2 = monochrome, -1 = none) 0 1 0x12
r_fov 74.0 Field of view 1.0 179.0 0x814
r_fullbright 0 Disables lightmaps 0 1 0x81
r_gamepadStyle detect The kind of gamepad style to use for drawing bindings. - - 0x818
r_generateMipMapsRunTime 1 Generate mip maps at runtime instead of loading from BSP (requires level restart) 0 1 0x11
r_lavaalpha 1.0 Sets alpha for all lava surfaces 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_maxocclusionunit 0.01 Determines the threshold to re-issue an occlusion query 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_md5models 1 Render MD5 models instead of alias models (if available) 0 1 0x11
r_monochromelightmaps 0 If enabled, lightmaps will display as grayscale 0 1 0x11
r_motionBlur 0 Enables motion blur 0 1 0x11
r_motionBlurShutterSpeed 250.0 Sets the motion blur shutter speed. Smaller the value, the more sensitive the blur will become 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_motionBlurVisualize 0 Enables debugging visualization of motion blur 0 1 0x1
r_noEntityCastShadowList progs/missile.mdl,progs/flame.mdl,progs/flame2.mdl,progs/lavaball.mdl,progs/grenade.mdl,progs/spike.mdl,progs/s_spike.mdl,progs/laser.mdl,progs/lspike.mdl,progs/candle.mdl Filter list that excludes any entities matching the specified model to not cast shadows - - 0x18
r_nolerp_list progs/flame.mdl,progs/flame2.mdl,progs/braztall.mdl,progs/brazshrt.mdl,progs/longtrch.mdl,progs/flame_pyre.mdl,progs/v_saw.mdl,progs/v_xfist.mdl,progs/h2stuff/newfire.mdl Filter list that excludes any entities matching the specified model to not perform any animation interpolation - - 0x18
r_notextures 0 Disables texture mapping 0 1 0x1
r_oitClamp 3000.0 Sets weight clamp value for OIT blending 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_oitWeight 10000.0 Sets the weight value for OIT blending 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_partdepthbias -0.0001 Sets a depth bias for particles 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_partslopebias -4.0 Sets a slope bias for particles 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_previewlightmap -1 Display lightmap texture (num = which page to display) (debugging) 0 1 0x2
r_renderWaterViewFX 1 1 = Draw Water View FX When In Water 0 1 0x1
r_resolutionscale 0 Enable resolution scaling - can either be at a fixed scale or dynamically adjust based on performance 0 1 0x12
r_resolutionscale_aggressive 0 If enabled, resolution scale will adjust aggressively 0 1 0x11
r_resolutionscale_fixedscale 1.0 Forces the resolution to scale at this value (ignored if dynamic scaling is enabled) 0.1 1.0 0x14
r_resolutionscale_gooddrawtime 0.9 The required time in which the session draw time must fall under in order to upscale the resolution (Note: use the statrhi command to see the session draw time) 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_resolutionscale_increasespeed 0.1 Sets how fast to upscale the resolution 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_resolutionscale_lowerspeed 0.1 Sets how fast to downscale the resolution 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_resolutionscale_numframesbeforelowering 20 Number of frames to wait before decreasing resolution when performance is bad 0 1 0x12
r_resolutionscale_numframesbeforeraising 200 Number of frames to wait before increasing resolution when performance is good 0 1 0x12
r_resolutionscale_targetdrawtime 1.125 The targeted session draw time before downscaling the resolution (Note: use the statrhi command to see the session draw time) 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_rhimaxanisotropic 0 Sets quality level for anisotropic texture filtering 0 1 0x12
r_rhirenderfamily vulkan Set which graphics driver API to use - - 0x18
r_shadowcachelifetime 1000 How long should a unused shadow view remain in cache 0 1 0x10002
r_shadows 1 Enables shadow mapping 0 1 0x11
r_shownormals 0 Display surface normals (debugging) 0 1 0x1
r_showoverdraw 0 Display tile lighting overdraw - blue indicates good, red indicates bad (debugging) 0 1 0x1
r_showshadowatlas 0 Displays the shadow map atlas (debugging) 0 1 0x1
r_showtris 0 Render geometry as wireframe (debugging) 0 1 0x1
r_slimealpha 1.0 Sets alpha for all slime surfaces 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_squareparticles 1 Particles are displayed as solid quads (Quake64) 0 1 0x11
r_staticshadows 1 Enables static shadow mapping 0 1 0x11
r_subdivide_size 64 Sets subvided size for sky and water surfaces 0 1 0x12
r_telealpha 1.0 Sets alpha for all teleport surfaces 0.0 1.0 0x14
r_textureMode nearest_mipmap_nearest Sets texture mode - - 0x18
r_verticalsplitscreen 0 Controls if 2 player splitscreen is vertical or horizontal 0 1 0x11
r_visualizeAO 0 Show ambient occlusion results (debugging) 0 1 0x1
r_wateralpha 1.0 Sets alpha for all water surfaces 0.0 1.0 0x14
registered 1 Determines if game is shareware or fully registered copy 0 1 0x8001
routeEdit_lookPointDist 256 How Far To Place A Route Node In Front Of The User 0 1 0x4 Added in Update #4
routeEdit_playSounds 1 1 = Play Sounds In The Route Editor 0 1 0x11 Added in Update #4
routeEdit_routeDrawDist 4096 How Far To Draw Route Nodes In-World 0 1 0x4 Added in Update #4
route_edit 0 Set To 1 To Activate Route Editor 0 1 0x81 Added in Update #4
samelevel 0 0 1 0x1
saved1 0 - - 0x18
saved2 0 - - 0x18
saved3 0 - - 0x18
saved4 0 - - 0x18
savedgamecfg 0 - - 0x18
scr_blurbackgroundformenu 1 Blur background when menu is active 0 1 0x11
scr_centertime 5 Time centerprints will be on screen. 0 1 0x12
scr_chattime 3 Time for chat window to stay on screen. 0 1 0x12
scr_displayCenterMessages 1 Displays centered in-game messages 0 1 0x11
scr_dosresolution 0 Emulates VGA 320x240 resolution 0 1 0x11
scr_maxlines 4 Maximum amount of lines to display on screen at once. 0 20 0x12
scr_ofsx 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_ofsy 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_ofsz 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_polyblend 1 Enables screen flashes (powerups, damage, pickups, etc) 0 1 0x11
scr_printspeed 8 0 1 0x12
scr_printtime 3 Time for corner prints to stay on screen. 0 1 0x12
scr_screenscale 0 Set scale for on-screen overlay. If zero, then it will auto-scale based on resolution 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_showpause 1 0 1 0x11
scr_showram 1 0 1 0x11
scr_showturtle 0 0 1 0x11
scr_textfadethreshold 0.25 Sets threshold for fading out center text 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_togglescoreboard 0 Switch scoreboard from hold to toggle. 0 1 0x11
scr_underwater_magnitude 6 Sets magnitude of the underwater wave effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_underwater_speed 80 Sets speed of the underwater wave effect 0.0 1.0 0x14
scr_underwater_spread 3 Sets spread of the underwater wave effect 0 1 0x12
scr_underwater_strips 240 Sets the number of strips for the underwater effect 16 768 0x12
scr_usekfont 0 Enable Unicode font rendering, can be set by mods that are aware of localization. 0 1 0x1
scratch1 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scratch2 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scratch3 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
scratch4 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
serverprofile 0 0 1 0x1
skill 1 0 1 0x2
snd_ambient_fade 100 Sets ambient fade factor 0.0 1.0 0x14
snd_ambient_level 0.3 Sets ambient level threshold 0.0 1.0 0x14
snd_hardwarereverb 1 Enable hardware reverb effects 0 1 0x11
snd_lowpasscutofffreq 6833 Specifies the cut-off frequency for the low pass filter 1000 8000 0x12
snd_lowpassfilter 1 Enable low pass filter for digital sound effects 0 1 0x11
snd_lowpassgain 0.8 Low pass filter gain for high frequencies 0.0 1.0 0x14
snd_mix_ahead 0.025 Sets mix ahead value for the sound mixer 0.0 1.0 0x14
snd_musicvolume 1.0 Music volume 0.0 1.0 0x14
snd_nosound 0 Disables audio on startup 0 1 0x11
snd_precache 1 Precaches audio on level load 0 1 0x11
snd_voicelanguage 0 Language of voice effects 0 5 0x12
snd_volume 0.85 Sound volume 0.0 1.0 0x14
spawn_edit 0 Set To 1 To Activate Spawn Editor 0 1 0x81
spawnEdit_monstersOnly 1 1 = New Spawn Nodes Will Only Work For Monsters 0 1 0x1
spawnEdit_playSounds 1 1 = Play Sounds In The Spawn Editor 0 1 0x11
spawnEdit_renderDepthTested 0 0 = Draw Spawn Nodes Through The World 0 1 0x1
spawnEdit_spawnDrawDist 2048 How Far To Draw Spawn Nodes In-World 0.0 1.0 0x4
sv_accelerate 10 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_aim 1 - - 0x8040
sv_cheats 0 Enable cheats 0 1 0x82
sv_clientauth 1 Give clients a slight bit of authority over their own position 0 1 0x1
sv_controlleronly 0 PlayFab matchmaking distinguishes between devices in use 0 1 0x1
sv_friction 4 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_gibGravity 0 > 0 = Override Gravity For Gibs 0.0 1.0 0x4
sv_gravity 800 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_idealpitchscale 0.8 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_maxspeed 320 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_maxvelocity 2000 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_nostep 0 0 1 0x11
sv_protocol 666 Sets server protocol 0 1 0x42
sv_quitAfterChangelevel 0 Instructs server to exit instead of changing level 0 1 0x1
sv_skipEdictTouch 0 1 = Don't Update Touching Edicts 0 1 0x81
sv_stopspeed 100 0.0 1.0 0x14
sv_wallfriction 0 Friction is applied to players when angle is facing a wall 0 1 0x1
sys_kpfram 0 Load all KPF files into RAM 0 1 0x11
sys_logresourcemsgs 0 Show resource loading debug messages 0 1 0x11
teamplay 0 0 1 0x402
temp1 0 Reserved For QuakeC Usage 0 1 0x12
temp2 0 Reserved For QuakeC Usage 0 1 0x12
temp3 0 Reserved For QuakeC Usage 0 1 0x12
temp4 0 Reserved For QuakeC Usage 0 1 0x12
temp5 0 Reserved For QuakeC Usage 0 1 0x12
timelimit 0 Maximum amount of time the game can last for, in minutes. 0 1 0x402
ui_acc_alttypeface 0 Prefer plain typeface over pixel typeface. 0 1 0x11
ui_acc_contrast 0 Enable high contrast mode in menus and text 0 1 0x11
ui_acc_firstlaunch_v2 1 Show accessibility menu on first menu enter 0 1 0x11 Added in Update #4.1
ui_addonsBaseURL Base URL for the add-ons directory - - 0x0
ui_creditspeed 1.0 Scale factor for the credits speed 0.0 1.0 0x4
ui_modellerp 1 Sets both move lerp and anim lerp at once - - 0x10
ui_showfull 1 Shows full matches in the match browser 0 1 0x11
ui_showquitmessage 0 Shows quit message when exiting client 0 1 0x11
v_borderless 0 Hide window border for non-fullscreen mode 0 1 0x11
v_centermove 0.15 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_centerspeed 500 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_displaymonitor 0 Set index for which monitor to display 0 1 0x12
v_displayrestart -1 Internal use only - do not modify 0 1 0x2
v_height 768 Video resolution height 0 1 0x12
v_idlescale 0 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_ipitch_cycle 1 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_ipitch_level 0.3 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_iroll_cycle 0.5 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_iroll_level 0.1 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_iyaw_cycle 2 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_iyaw_level 0.3 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_kickpitch 0.6 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_kickroll 0.6 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_kicktime 0.5 0.0 1.0 0x14
v_refresh 60 Video refresh rate (fullscreen only) 0 1 0x12
v_vsync 1 Vertical sync (0 = off, 1 = on, -1 = adaptive) 0 1 0x12
v_width 1024 Video resoultion width 0 1 0x12
v_windowed 0 Set either windowed or fullscreen mode 0 1 0x11
v_windowXPos 0 Sets X Offset of window (window mode only, use restart command to take effect) 0 1 0x12
v_windowYPos 0 Sets Y Offset of window (window mode only, use restart command to take effect) 0 1 0x12
vk_assertOnValidationError 0 If enabled, an assert will trigger if validation reporter triggers a warning or error 0 1 0x11
vk_compileShaders 0 If enabled, then compile spriv shaders at RHI initialization (requires Vulkan SDK to be installed) 0 1 0x11
vk_dumpMisCachedPipelineToFile 0 Dumps all cached pipelines to file and the pipeline that didn't match to another file 0 1 0x10001
vk_enableDebugging 0 Enables layer validation and debug outputs (requires a restart) 0 1 0x11
vk_waitOnCommandDuringPresentation 0 Always wait on all command buffers during swap chain presentation (debugging) 0 1 0x11
win_allowmanualaffinitymask 0 If 0, then let the OS deal with scheduling, if not then affinity mask is set by the engine 0 1 0x11
win_mdmpwithheap 0 0 1 0x11
win_numanode 0 Specifies the desired NUMA Node to use on the system to keep all threads on the same node. -1 skips this and allows allocation on any thread. 0 1 0x12
ww_ammo_size 24.0 Size of ammo counter display for weapon wheel 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_arrow_offset 102.0 Sets the offset position for weapon wheel selection arrow 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_popout_amount 4.0 Sets how far to pop out the selected weapon icon for weapon wheel 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_popout_speed 7.2 Sets how fast to pop out the selected weapon icon for weapon wheel 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_screen_frac_x 0.76 Sets horizontal fractional value of the screen for the wheel to display at 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_screen_frac_y 0.5 Sets vertical fractional value of the screen for the wheel to display at 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_size 640.0 Weapon wheel size - smaller the value, the larger the display 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_timer_speed 3.0 How fast the weapon wheel fades in and out 0.0 1.0 0x14
ww_unavailable_shade_value 80 Sets how much to shade the item if not available in inventory for weapon wheel 0 1 0x12
ww_underpic_nudge_amount 4.0 Sets weapon wheel underline icon offset 0.0 1.0 0x14

Removed cvars[edit | edit source]

This table contains cvars that have since been removed in newer versions of Quake Enhanced

Cvar Default value Description Min Max Flags Notes
bot_deltaTime 0.0167 Delta Time ( In Seconds ) Between Bot Updates) 0 1 0x4 Renamed to bot_timeDelta.

Removed in Update #1 (Sep 24 2021 build)

bot_matchChatChance 50 Chance ( Out Of 100% ) That A Bot Will Chat When The Match Starts/Ends 0 1 0x2 Removed in Update #4 (Jul 5 2022 build)
bot_randomChatChance 2 Chance ( Out Of 100% ) That A Bot Will Chat Randomly In-Game When The Situation Warrants 0 1 0x2 Removed in Update #4 (Jul 5 2022 build)
cl_joy_accel_precision_threshold 0.7 Sets joystick threshold to dampen acceleration when making slow turns 0 1 0x814 Removed in Update #1 (Sep 24 2021 build)
cl_joy_accel_speed 64 Sets joystick acceleration speed 0 1 0x814 Removed in Update #1 (Sep 24 2021 build)
r_gpuCulling 1 Enables compute shader to backface cull triangles in world 0 1 0x11 Removed in Update #1 (Sep 24 2021 build)
crosshair 1 0 1 0x811 Removed in Update #2 (Nov 18 2021 build)
navEdit_showOneWayLinks 0 1 = Only Show Nodes With One Way Links 0 1 0x1 Removed in Update #2 (Nov 18 2021 build)
navEdit_waterLookPointDist 72 Set Dist To Trace For Look Point When UnderWater 0.0 1.0 0x14 Renamed to navEdit_inWaterLookPointDist

Removed in Update #3 (Apr 05 2022 build)

snd_mixahead 0.1 Sets mix ahead value for the sound mixer 0.0 1.0 0x14 Renamed to snd_mix_ahead

Removed in Update #3 (Apr 05 2022 build)

ui_acc_firstlaunch_v2 1 Show accessibility menu on first menu enter 0 1 0x11 Renamed to ui_acc_firstlaunch

Removed in Update #4.1 (Sep 15 2022 build)